German Expressionism

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Emil Nolde

German, 1867–1956

Starr Figura, German Expressionism: The Graphic Impulse, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 2011

Painter, printmaker, watercolorist. First trained as a woodcarver; later studied painting and developed style involving intense color and thick, gestural impasto. Changed name to Nolde, his birthplace, in 1902. Invited to join Brücke in 1906 by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, who introduced him to woodcut. In return, taught Brücke members his innovative etching techniques. An independent personality, left Brücke after only one year, but remained friendly with the group. Expelled from Berlin Secession in 1910 after vehemently criticizing Max Liebermann for rejecting Expressionist paintings. Explored typical Expressionist themes of urban nightlife, but had a more abiding devotion to biblical scenes and northern landscapes, as well as "primitive" and phantasmagorical subjects. In 1913–14, with wife, Ada, traveled overland via Russia to German New Guinea, accompanying a German colonial expedition. Subsequently made paintings, watercolors, and prints based on travels.

Ultimately produced 525 prints, almost all before 1926, mostly unpublished etchings and woodcuts in black and white; frequently developed his images through several states. Often used lithography to experiment with color, including several monumental works printed in numerous color variations in 1913.

Initially sympathetic to National Socialism. Nazis nevertheless confiscated 1,052 works, more than from any other artist. Prohibited by Nazis from painting in 1941; worked secretly in watercolor. His studio in Berlin, with archive of his prints, was destroyed by bombs in 1944.

Selected Bibliography

Ackley, Clifford S., Timothy O. Benson, and Victor Carlson. Nolde: The Painter's Prints. Exh. cat. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1995.

Moeller, Magdalena M., and Manfred Reuther, eds. Emil Nolde: Druckgraphik aus der Sammlung der Nolde-Stiftung Seebüll. Exh. cat. Berlin: Brücke-Museum, 1999.

Schiefler, Gustav, and Christel Mosel. Emil Nolde: Das graphische Werk. 2 vols. Cologne: DuMont, 1995.

Vergo, Peter, and Felicity Lunn, eds. Emil Nolde. Exh. cat. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1995.

Heather Hess

Works by Emil Nolde

  • Emil Nolde. Scoundrels (Lumpen). 1898, printed c. 1907
    Emil Nolde
    Scoundrels (Lumpen)
    1898, printed c. 1907
    Emil Nolde. Scoundrels (Lumpen). 1898, printed c. 1907
  • Emil Nolde. Girl (Mädchen). (1906, dated 1905)
    Emil Nolde
    Girl (Mädchen)
    (1906, dated 1905)
    Emil Nolde. Girl (Mädchen). (1906, dated 1905)
  • Emil Nolde. Joy in Life (Lebensfreude) from the series Fantasies (Phantasien). (1905)
    Emil Nolde
    Joy in Life (Lebensfreude) from the series...
    Emil Nolde. Joy in Life (Lebensfreude) from the series Fantasies (Phantasien). (1905)
  • Emil Nolde. Knight (Ritter). 1906
    Emil Nolde
    Knight (Ritter)
    Emil Nolde. Knight (Ritter). 1906
  • Emil Nolde. In the Rocking Chair (Im Schaukelstuhl). 1906
    Emil Nolde
    In the Rocking Chair (Im Schaukelstuhl)
    Emil Nolde. In the Rocking Chair (Im Schaukelstuhl). 1906
  • Emil Nolde. General and Aide (General und Diener) from the portfolio Fairy-Tales (Märchen). 1906
    Emil Nolde
    General and Aide (General und Diener) from the...
    Emil Nolde. General and Aide (General und Diener) from the portfolio Fairy-Tales (Märchen). 1906
  • Emil Nolde. Dinner Party (Tischgesellschaft). (1906)
    Emil Nolde
    Dinner Party (Tischgesellschaft)
    Emil Nolde. Dinner Party (Tischgesellschaft). (1906)
  • Emil Nolde. The Scholars, Bookplate Hans Fehr (Die Gelehrten, Ex Libris Hans Fehr). (1906)
    Emil Nolde
    The Scholars, Bookplate Hans Fehr (Die Gelehrten...
    Emil Nolde. The Scholars, Bookplate Hans Fehr (Die Gelehrten, Ex Libris Hans Fehr). (1906)
  • Emil Nolde. Profile of a Woman (Frauenprofil). (1907)
    Emil Nolde
    Profile of a Woman (Frauenprofil)
    Emil Nolde. Profile of a Woman (Frauenprofil). (1907)
  • Emil Nolde. Alice. 1907 (printed 1915)
    Emil Nolde
    1907 (printed 1915)
    Emil Nolde. Alice. 1907 (printed 1915)
  • Emil Nolde. Head with Pipe, E.N. (Kopf mit Pfeife, E.N.). (1907)
    Emil Nolde
    Head with Pipe, E.N. (Kopf mit Pfeife, E.N.)
    Emil Nolde. Head with Pipe, E.N. (Kopf mit Pfeife, E.N.). (1907)
  • Emil Nolde. Man and Woman, in Profile (Mann und Frau, Profil). 1907
    Emil Nolde
    Man and Woman, in Profile (Mann und Frau...
    Emil Nolde. Man and Woman, in Profile (Mann und Frau, Profil). 1907
  • Emil Nolde. Near Sonderburg (Bei Sonderburg). (1907, printed 1915)
    Emil Nolde
    Near Sonderburg (Bei Sonderburg)
    (1907, printed 1915)
    Emil Nolde. Near Sonderburg (Bei Sonderburg). (1907, printed 1915)
  • Emil Nolde. Tingel-Tangel II (Tingel-Tangel II). 1907
    Emil Nolde
    Tingel-Tangel II (Tingel-Tangel II)
    Emil Nolde. Tingel-Tangel II (Tingel-Tangel II). 1907
  • Emil Nolde. Tingel-Tangel Singer (Tingel-Tangel-Sängerin). 1907
    Emil Nolde
    Tingel-Tangel Singer...
    Emil Nolde. Tingel-Tangel Singer (Tingel-Tangel-Sängerin). 1907
  • Emil Nolde. Tingel-Tangel Singer (Tingel-Tangel-Sängerin). (1907, printed in 1915)
    Emil Nolde
    Tingel-Tangel Singer...
    (1907, printed in 1915)
    Emil Nolde. Tingel-Tangel Singer (Tingel-Tangel-Sängerin). (1907, printed in 1915)
  • Emil Nolde. .a Alice .b Nude with Thick Hair (.a Alice .b Akt mit starkem Haar). .a (1907) .b (1908)
    Emil Nolde
    .a Alice .b Nude with Thick Hair (.a Alice .b Akt...
    .a (1907) .b (1908)
    Emil Nolde. .a Alice .b Nude with Thick Hair (.a Alice .b Akt mit starkem Haar). .a (1907) .b (1908)
  • Emil Nolde. Alice. (1907, printed 1915)
    Emil Nolde
    (1907, printed 1915)
    Emil Nolde. Alice. (1907, printed 1915)
  • Emil Nolde. Near Sonderburg (Bei Sonderburg). (1907, printed 1915)
    Emil Nolde
    Near Sonderburg (Bei Sonderburg)
    (1907, printed 1915)
    Emil Nolde. Near Sonderburg (Bei Sonderburg). (1907, printed 1915)
  • Emil Nolde. Hugo del Caril. (1908)
    Emil Nolde
    Hugo del Caril
    Emil Nolde. Hugo del Caril. (1908)
  • Emil Nolde. Reclining Woman (Liegendes Weib). 1908
    Emil Nolde
    Reclining Woman (Liegendes Weib)
    Emil Nolde. Reclining Woman (Liegendes Weib). 1908
  • Emil Nolde. Nude with Raised Arms (Akt mit erhobenen Armen). (1908)
    Emil Nolde
    Nude with Raised Arms (Akt mit erhobenen Armen)
    Emil Nolde. Nude with Raised Arms (Akt mit erhobenen Armen). (1908)
  • Emil Nolde. Street Urchin (Strassenjunge). (1909)
    Emil Nolde
    Street Urchin (Strassenjunge)
    Emil Nolde. Street Urchin (Strassenjunge). (1909)
  • Emil Nolde. Hamburg, Reiherstiegdock. (1910)
    Emil Nolde
    Hamburg, Reiherstiegdock
    Emil Nolde. Hamburg, Reiherstiegdock. (1910)
  • Emil Nolde. Christ and the Children. 1910
    Emil Nolde
    Christ and the Children
    Emil Nolde. Christ and the Children. 1910
  • Emil Nolde. Hamburg, Mild Atmosphere (Hamburg, milde Stimmung). (1910)
    Emil Nolde
    Hamburg, Mild Atmosphere (Hamburg, milde...
    Emil Nolde. Hamburg, Mild Atmosphere (Hamburg, milde Stimmung). (1910)
  • Emil Nolde. Hamburg, Pier (Hamburg, Landungsbrücke). (1910)
    Emil Nolde
    Hamburg, Pier (Hamburg, Landungsbrücke)
    Emil Nolde. Hamburg, Pier (Hamburg, Landungsbrücke). (1910)
  • Emil Nolde. Steamer (large, dark) (Dampfer [gr. dkl.]). 1910
    Emil Nolde
    Steamer (large, dark) (Dampfer [gr. dkl.])
    Emil Nolde. Steamer (large, dark) (Dampfer [gr. dkl.]). 1910
  • Emil Nolde. Fishing Steamer (Fischdampfer). 1910
    Emil Nolde
    Fishing Steamer (Fischdampfer)
    Emil Nolde. Fishing Steamer (Fischdampfer). 1910
  • Emil Nolde. Scribes (Schriftgelehrte). (1911, printed c. 1919)
    Emil Nolde
    Scribes (Schriftgelehrte)
    (1911, printed c. 1919)
    Emil Nolde. Scribes (Schriftgelehrte). (1911, printed c. 1919)
  • Emil Nolde. Couple (Paar). (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Couple (Paar)
    Emil Nolde. Couple (Paar). (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Profile of a Girl (Mädchenprofil). (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Profile of a Girl (Mädchenprofil)
    Emil Nolde. Profile of a Girl (Mädchenprofil). (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Spectators (Zuschauer). (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Spectators (Zuschauer)
    Emil Nolde. Spectators (Zuschauer). (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Theater (Theater). (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Theater (Theater)
    Emil Nolde. Theater (Theater). (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Young Woman in Hat (Junge Frau im Hut). (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Young Woman in Hat (Junge Frau im Hut)
    Emil Nolde. Young Woman in Hat (Junge Frau im Hut). (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Profile III (Profil III). (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Profile III (Profil III)
    Emil Nolde. Profile III (Profil III). (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Solomon and His Wives (Salomo und seine Frauen). (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Solomon and His Wives (Salomo und seine Frauen)
    Emil Nolde. Solomon and His Wives (Salomo und seine Frauen). (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Mrs. N. (Mrs. Ada Nolde) [Frau N. (Frau Ada Nolde)]. (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Mrs. N. (Mrs. Ada Nolde) [Frau N. (Frau Ada...
    Emil Nolde. Mrs. N. (Mrs. Ada Nolde) [Frau N. (Frau Ada Nolde)]. (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Man in a Top Hat I (Mann im Zylinder I). (1911)
    Emil Nolde
    Man in a Top Hat I (Mann im Zylinder I)
    Emil Nolde. Man in a Top Hat I (Mann im Zylinder I). (1911)
  • Emil Nolde. Head of a Woman III (Frauenkopf III). (1912)
    Emil Nolde
    Head of a Woman III (Frauenkopf III)
    Emil Nolde. Head of a Woman III (Frauenkopf III). (1912)
  • Emil Nolde. Young Jewess II (Junge Jüdin II). (1912)
    Emil Nolde
    Young Jewess II (Junge Jüdin II)
    Emil Nolde. Young Jewess II (Junge Jüdin II). (1912)
  • Emil Nolde. Prophet. (1912)
    Emil Nolde
    Emil Nolde. Prophet. (1912)
  • Emil Nolde. Young Couple (Junges Paar). (1913)
    Emil Nolde
    Young Couple (Junges Paar)
    Emil Nolde. Young Couple (Junges Paar). (1913)
  • Emil Nolde. Discussion (Diskussion). (1913)
    Emil Nolde
    Discussion (Diskussion)
    Emil Nolde. Discussion (Diskussion). (1913)
  • Emil Nolde. Grotesques (Grotesken). (1913)
    Emil Nolde
    Grotesques (Grotesken)
    Emil Nolde. Grotesques (Grotesken). (1913)
  • Emil Nolde. Mrs. A.S. (Frau A.S.). (1913)
    Emil Nolde
    Mrs. A.S. (Frau A.S.)
    Emil Nolde. Mrs. A.S. (Frau A.S.). (1913)
  • Emil Nolde. Young Couple (Junges Paar). (1913)
    Emil Nolde
    Young Couple (Junges Paar)
    Emil Nolde. Young Couple (Junges Paar). (1913)
  • Emil Nolde. Young Couple (Junges Paar). (1913)
    Emil Nolde
    Young Couple (Junges Paar)
    Emil Nolde. Young Couple (Junges Paar). (1913)
  • Emil Nolde. Die heiligen drei Könige (The Three Magi). (1913)
    Emil Nolde
    Die heiligen drei Könige (The Three Magi)
    Emil Nolde. Die heiligen drei Könige (The Three Magi). (1913)
  • Emil Nolde. Dancer. 1913
    Emil Nolde
    Emil Nolde. Dancer. 1913
  • Emil Nolde. Papuan Head (Papua-Kopf). 1914
    Emil Nolde
    Papuan Head (Papua-Kopf)
    Emil Nolde. Papuan Head (Papua-Kopf). 1914
  • Emil Nolde. Two Russians. 1915
    Emil Nolde
    Two Russians
    Emil Nolde. Two Russians. 1915
  • Emil Nolde. Blue and Violet Flowers. 1916
    Emil Nolde
    Blue and Violet Flowers
    Emil Nolde. Blue and Violet Flowers. 1916
  • Emil Nolde. Madonna (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan 1917). 1917
    Emil Nolde
    Madonna (plate, loose leaf) from the...
    Emil Nolde. Madonna (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan 1917). 1917
  • Emil Nolde. Candle Dancers (Kerzentänzerinnen). (1917)
    Emil Nolde
    Candle Dancers (Kerzentänzerinnen)
    Emil Nolde. Candle Dancers (Kerzentänzerinnen). (1917)
  • Emil Nolde. Young Couple (Junges Paar). (1917)
    Emil Nolde
    Young Couple (Junges Paar)
    Emil Nolde. Young Couple (Junges Paar). (1917)
  • Emil Nolde. Slaves (Sklaven). (1918)
    Emil Nolde
    Slaves (Sklaven)
    Emil Nolde. Slaves (Sklaven). (1918)
  • Emil Nolde. The Farmer (Der Landwirt). (1918)
    Emil Nolde
    The Farmer (Der Landwirt)
    Emil Nolde. The Farmer (Der Landwirt). (1918)
  • Emil Nolde. Rich Farmers (Grossbauern). (1918)
    Emil Nolde
    Rich Farmers (Grossbauern)
    Emil Nolde. Rich Farmers (Grossbauern). (1918)
  • Emil Nolde. Young Prince and Dancers (Junger Fürst und Tänzerinnen). (1918)
    Emil Nolde
    Young Prince and Dancers (Junger Fürst und...
    Emil Nolde. Young Prince and Dancers (Junger Fürst und Tänzerinnen). (1918)
  • Emil Nolde. Man and Young Woman (Mann und junges Weib). (1918)
    Emil Nolde
    Man and Young Woman (Mann und junges Weib)
    Emil Nolde. Man and Young Woman (Mann und junges Weib). (1918)
  • Emil Nolde. The Animal Lover (Der Tierfreund). (1918)
    Emil Nolde
    The Animal Lover (Der Tierfreund)
    Emil Nolde. The Animal Lover (Der Tierfreund). (1918)
  • Emil Nolde. Rich Farmers (Grossbauern). (1918)
    Emil Nolde
    Rich Farmers (Grossbauern)
    Emil Nolde. Rich Farmers (Grossbauern). (1918)
  • Emil Nolde. Gypsy Girl (Zigeunermädchen). (1920-21)
    Emil Nolde
    Gypsy Girl (Zigeunermädchen)
    Emil Nolde. Gypsy Girl (Zigeunermädchen). (1920-21)
  • Emil Nolde. Doctors (Doktoren). (1922)
    Emil Nolde
    Doctors (Doktoren)
    Emil Nolde. Doctors (Doktoren). (1922)
  • Emil Nolde. Phantoms (Erscheinungen). (1922)
    Emil Nolde
    Phantoms (Erscheinungen)
    Emil Nolde. Phantoms (Erscheinungen). (1922)
  • Emil Nolde. Surf (Brandung). (1922)
    Emil Nolde
    Surf (Brandung)
    Emil Nolde. Surf (Brandung). (1922)
  • Emil Nolde. The Fisherman's Children (Fischerkinder). (1926)
    Emil Nolde
    The Fisherman's Children (Fischerkinder)
    Emil Nolde. The Fisherman's Children (Fischerkinder). (1926)
  • Emil Nolde. Mill by the Water (Mühle am Wasser). (1926)
    Emil Nolde
    Mill by the Water (Mühle am Wasser)
    Emil Nolde. Mill by the Water (Mühle am Wasser). (1926)
  • Emil Nolde. Elderly Men (Ältere Herren) from Das graphische Werk von Emil Nolde 1920-1925. (1926, published 1927)
    Emil Nolde
    Elderly Men (Ältere Herren) from Das...
    (1926, published 1927)
    Emil Nolde. Elderly Men (Ältere Herren) from Das graphische Werk von Emil Nolde 1920-1925. (1926, published 1927)
  • Emil Nolde. Mythical Creatures (Fabelwesen) from Das graphische Werk von Emil Nolde 1910-1925. (1926, published 1927)
    Emil Nolde
    Mythical Creatures (Fabelwesen) from Das...
    (1926, published 1927)
    Emil Nolde. Mythical Creatures (Fabelwesen) from Das graphische Werk von Emil Nolde 1910-1925. (1926, published 1927)
  • Emil Nolde. Mill by the Water (Mühle am Wasser). (1926)
    Emil Nolde
    Mill by the Water (Mühle am Wasser)
    Emil Nolde. Mill by the Water (Mühle am Wasser). (1926)
  • Emil Nolde. Mill by the Water (Mühle am Wasser). (1926)
    Emil Nolde
    Mill by the Water (Mühle am...
    Emil Nolde. Mill by the Water (Mühle am Wasser). (1926)
  • Emil Nolde. Amaryllis and Anemone (Amaryllis und Anemone). (c. 1930)
    Emil Nolde
    Amaryllis and Anemone (Amaryllis und Anemone)
    (c. 1930)
    Emil Nolde. Amaryllis and Anemone (Amaryllis und Anemone). (c. 1930)
  • Emil Nolde. Magicians (Zauberer). (1931-35)
    Emil Nolde
    Magicians (Zauberer)
    Emil Nolde. Magicians (Zauberer). (1931-35)
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